The Reddiplex Acoustic Product offering has been enhanced through a series of new perimeter and threshold seals. The complete range has verified acoustic performance as demonstrated in accordance with BS EN ISO 10140-2:2010.
Perimeter gaps around a timber door leaf are essential for the functionality of the doorset. However they present a weak point when it comes to effective acoustic sealing. The fitting of Reddiplex perimeter acoustic seals minimises the sound transfer between rooms whilst at the same time having a minimal impact on the functionality of the doorset. A reduction in acoustic interference can help improve personal wellbeing, and increase productivity and creativity in both the workplace and educational establishments.
In addition to acoustic performance the Reddiplex range demonstrate effective smoke sealing characteristics and have been tested to in accordance with EN 1634-3: 2004, they hold third party approval under IFCC, Certificate number IFCC1002.
For further information or to view the Reddiplex acoustic range please click here.